
located, hours

Where are you located, working hours and contacts?

We are location at 2782, Dundas Street West, Toronto. Our working hours are, from Mondy to Friday are, 10AM-8PM, Saturday, 10AM-6PM, Sunday closed. Our contact numbers are 416-766-2626 and our email is info@caredifiers.com caredifiers@gmail.com

payment options

What payment options do you accept?

We accept cash and all major credit and debit cards. Additionally, we may offer other payment methods such as mobile payment apps or online payment systems. Please inquire with our team about the specific payment options available at the time of your service.

appointment in advance

Do I need to make an appointment in advance, or can I walk-in?

We highly recommend booking an appointment in advance to secure your preferred time. To ensure we can accommodate your needs without causing any inconvenience to our other customers, we recommend reaching out to us ahead of time to schedule an appointment. You can easily book an appointment by clicking on
this link [book an appointment] or by giving us a call at 416-766-2626.
However, if you happen to be in the vicinity of our location and would like to visit us without an appointment, we will do our best to accommodate you based on our availability and if that is not affecting other customer’s appointments. Customer satisfaction is important to us, and we strive to provide excellent service to all our

How often car serviced?

How often should I get my car serviced?

Regular maintenance is essential for optimal vehicle performance. As a general guideline, we recommend following your manufacturer recommended service intervals. This typically includes oil changes every 3,000 to 5000 kms. inspections every 10,000 to 15,000 kms. or as specified in your vehicle manual. At the Edifiers, we use only fully synthetic hi-milage high quality lubes. That keeps your car engine healthy for 5,000 kms. However, it is recommended to keep your car engine oil checked on daily basis, or at least once in a week if daily check is not possible. This will avoid any surprises in case if there are any oil leakage or oil burning occurs during combustion process.

vehicle right accessories

Can you help me choose the right accessories for my vehicle?

Absolutely! Our knowledgeable team can assist you in selecting the perfect accessories for your specific vehicle make and model. We take into consideration your preferences, budget, and compatibility to ensure you make an informed choice.

services products warranty

Do you offer a warranty on your services and products?

Yes, we stand behind our workmanship and the quality of the products we install. We also offer warranties on the products we provide. The specific warranty coverage and duration may vary depending on the type of service or product. Please inquire with our team for more details.

products offer

What products do you offer?

Products on offer can be found in our Shop section from the home screen.

aftermarket parts

Can you install aftermarket parts and accessories without voiding my vehicle's warranty?

The warranty guidelines regarding aftermarket parts and accessories can vary between different dealerships and manufacturers, often differing based on location. At our establishment, we have extensive experience working with aftermarket parts and accessories while adhering to industry standards. In normal circumstances, our
installation procedures are designed to maintain warranty coverage. However, we recommend consulting your specific vehicle manufacturer & warranty guidelines for more detailed and accurate information. This will help you understand any potential impacts on your warranty coverage and make an informed decision regarding
aftermarket installations.

services installation Time

How long does a particular installation or service typically take?

The duration of an installation or service can vary depending on the specific service requested. Minor installations may take a few hours, while more complex services might require additional time. During your appointment booking or consultation, we can provide you with an estimated timeframe based on the services
you require.

maintain accessories

How do I maintain and care for the accessories you install?

We provide comprehensive care and maintenance instructions for the accessories we install. These guidelines will help you maximize the lifespan and performance of your installed accessories. Our team will explain the specific care instructions during the installation process and answer any questions you may have.

customer testimonials

Can you provide references or customer testimonials?

Certainly! You can easily assess the satisfaction of our customers by visiting the Reviews & section on our website. It provides valuable insights into the experiences shared by our clientele. Additionally, we encourage you to explore our Google reviews by searching for "the Edifiers Inc.  on Google.com. This will give you a comprehensive overview of the feedback and ratings provided by customers who have shared their experiences on the platform.

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